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24 Oct 2003 02:00
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Strange things are happening at Great Britain’s museum of natural history in 1890. A gang of ruthless thugs has broken into the establishment, the Eye of Isis Egyptian statue has been stolen, and a mysterious fog has overtaken a number of areas of the museum killing and transforming all it comes into contact with.

Curse: The Eye of Isis

Strange things are happening at Great Britain’s museum of natural history in 1890. A gang of ruthless thugs has broken into the establishment, the Eye of Isis Egyptian statue has been stolen, and a mysterious fog has overtaken a number of areas of the museum killing and transforming all it comes into contact with.

In this survival horror game you will be playing as museum curator/archeologist Victoria Sutton and her childhood friend Darien Dane, you’ll have to fight the various beings and entities created by this fog. You'll spend considerable time in the museum, take a steam train to the coast and travel the seas in a huge cargo ship before finally entering the pyramid tomb where you must find and destroy the source of this ancient evil.

2014 © Microids. All rights reserved. All other trademarks and copyrights are the properties of their respective owners.

Minimum Requirements:

  • OS: Windows® XP/Vista/7/8
  • Processor: Pentium® III 600 MHz
  • Memory: 128 MB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce III or ATI Radeon 9000
  • Storage: 700 MB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible Sound Card
  • Additional Notes: Mouse, Keyboard

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  • Logga in på ditt Steam -konto. (Om du inte har en, klicka här för att skapa en ny = & gt ångkonto )
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    Curse: The Eye of Isis

    Aktiverad i United States
    Utvecklare: Microids
    Utgivare: Microids
    Operativ system:
    Utgivningsdatum: 24 Oct 2003