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03 Jul 2013 12:41
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DARK is a unique stealth-action game with RPG elements in which you take on the role of the ultimate hunter: a vampire.


DARK is a unique stealth-action game with RPG elements in which you take on the role of the ultimate hunter: a vampire. Ambush your enemies from the shadows, roam the darkness and use powerful vampiric skills to dispatch your opponents.

The intricate story of DARK will take you into the midst of a world of blood and darkness, where the hunter can easily become prey. Strike down other vampires, improve your character and develop formidable skills such as instantly disappearing from view to take your enemies by surprise.

Windows Minimum:

OS:Windows XP SP2
Processor:2.0 GHz Dual Core
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT / ATI Radeon HD 4670 / Intel HD Graphics 4000, with 512 MB dedicated RAM
Hard Drive:5 GB HD space
Sound:DirectX compatible sound card

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    Aktiverad i United States
    Utvecklare: Kalypso Media UK Ltd (new)
    Utgivare: Kalypso Media UK. Ltd
    Operativ system:
    Utgivningsdatum: 03 Jul 2013