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Build a gas station from zero to become the best gas station business empire in the world!

Gas Station Tycoon

Gas Station Tycoon is a tycoon game where you can build your own gas station business! Build various facilities, sell gas and electricity to your customers, upgrade facilities and become a successful gas station entrepreneur!

Build your gas station from scratch. Serve customers manually and earn money. When you have enough money, you can use it to improve facilities, buy new facilities or even hire staff who will help you serve customers later. But you also have to be careful, because you can also go broke!

If you already have enough money and diamonds, you can also hire staff to help you serve customers. The staff will automatically serve customers, but there's one thing you need to remember! Staff must be paid EVERY HOUR! YES, EVERY HOUR!

You can also buy facilities that have not been unlocked and upgrade all existing facilities. Of course each facility has a different effect and different uses. But one thing for sure, the higher the level of the facility, the more benefits and profits it will bring.

Beep... beep.. boop.. Looks like our earth has been invaded by aliens! You will find aliens that occasionally pass above your gas station. You can destroy them by targeting their UFOs as they pass and earn money. In addition, in some time you will also be attacked by an alien invasion! You must protect the earth and destroy them all, otherwise... beep...... (Signal lost).

©2023 Nexvel Entertainment ©2023 CRX Entertainment Pte Ltd
All trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective owners

Minimum Requirements:

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Processor: 1 Ghz Processor
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DX10
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 500 MB available space

Recommended Requirements:

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Processor: 2 Ghz or Faster Processor
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DX11
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 1 GB available space


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    Gas Station Tycoon

    Aktiverad i United States
    Utvecklare: CRX Entertainment
    Utgivare: CRX Entertainment
    Operativ system:
    Utgivningsdatum: 31 Aug 2023

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