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14 Oct 2003 03:00
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His life in ruins, Max Payne finds himself back in the NYPD. During a routine murder investigation he runs into Mona Sax, a woman he thought dead, a femme fatale murder suspect. She holds the keys to the questions that haunt him. But nothing is simple in the dark and tragic night of New York City. An army of underworld thugs stands between Max and the answers he seeks. His journey deeper into his own personal hell continues.

Max Payne 2 : The Fall of Max Payne





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    Max Payne 2 : The Fall of Max Payne

    Aktiverad i United States
    Utvecklare: Take-Two Interactive
    Utgivare: Take-Two Interactive
    Operativ system:
    Utgivningsdatum: 14 Oct 2003