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03 Aug 1994 03:00
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Developed by id Software in 1992, Wolfenstein 3D is a ground-breaking and critically acclaimed, World War II, first-person shooter action game that started the modern-day FPS genre.

Wolfenstein 3D

Developed by id Software in 1992, Wolfenstein 3D is a ground-breaking and critically acclaimed, World War II, first-person shooter action game that started the modern-day FPS genre.


World War II rages. You are William ""B.J."" Blazkowicz, the Allies' most trusted agent. The Nazis are planning Operation Eisenfaust, a project to build an unstoppable, mutant army. Your mission was to steal the secret plans, but you were captured and imprisoned in Castle Wolfenstein. Now, a lucky break gives you the chance to make your escape, but a maze of passages and trigger-happy Nazis stand in your way.

  • Experience the origin of the modern first-person shooter genre.
  • Enjoy one of the first, fully-3D FPS games ever made.
  • Battle Nazi soldiers, evil scientists, mutants, and more.
  • Wield a variety of weapons including knives, pistols, and machine guns.
  • Run, gun, and fight your way through six episodes.

Windows Minimum: A 100% Windows XP/Vista-compatible computer system

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    Wolfenstein 3D

    Aktiverad i United States
    Utvecklare: Bethesda Softworks
    Utgivare: Bethesda Softworks
    Operativ system:
    Utgivningsdatum: 03 Aug 1994